The Programme
New Organic Entrepreneurs is a pilot programme, co-designed with a group of small-scale producers who have experienced the barriers to setting up a business themselves. They created a programme to support new Organic entrepreneurs with the skills and tools to build sustainable businesses, the community to support resilient mindsets, mentoring for tackling specific needs and bringing theory to life.
What it involves
The programme will include:
- A face to face launch event to meet the team and cohort at Woodoaks Farm, Hertfordshire.
- Five online participatory sessions that will cover business and finance planning, logistics, marketing and opportunities to expand the market, and support towards organic certification.
- Peer learning and support.
- Dynamic mentoring.
- Site visits (online and in person options).
Who they are looking for
- Organic or organic aspiring, businesses that are less than 3 years old.
- Those who are interested in being instrumental in the design of the programme. Participants will be asked to identify topics that would deliver the most value and feedback on content to ensure it is answering the right question.
- A fully funded face-to-face kick off on 14 March (mandatory attendance).
- Monthly interactive online learning sessions from April - September, with a break for August.
How to apply
- Complete the online application form by 14 February.
- A paper version is also available, along with the option to submit a short video with your answers.
- The Soil Association wants to create a flourishing organic ecosytem that works for everybody, so they particularly encourage applications from different underrepresented demographics.
- Get in touch with Andrea Gibbons, for alternate ways to apply and any further help you need.
- Find more information here.
Don't miss this fantastic opportunity to learn from experts and colloborate with likeminded businesses!