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Want to be a Real Bread Campaign ambassador?

Deadline extended.

Monday 3 June 2024

People power!. Credit: Canva / CC-BY-SA-4.0

People power!. Credit: Canva / CC-BY-SA-4.0

The Real Bread Campaign encourages all of our supporters to fly the flag not only for Real Bread but also for our charity’s beliefs, values and work. 

Our official ambassadors are people who are willing and able to volunteer their time to find and create opportunities to wave the flag harder and higher.

With thanks again to our 2021-24 Campaign ambassadors, we’re now looking for our next batch!


Please read:

Then complete the online

Application form

Extended deadline: Applications close at 12pm on Monday 15 July 2024. 

The role

This is a public-facing, voluntary role. We’re looking for people who will be visible and vocal champions for Real Bread and the Campaign. The Campaign coordinator will work with each new ambassador to help them decide how they’ll fulfil the role. Each ambassador brings to the role their own unique combination of experience, knowledge, skills, expertise in one or more areas relevant to our aims and work. 

The people

Our ambassadors aren’t necessarily professional bakers or what you might think of as ‘experts’. If you suffer from imposter syndrome, let’s work through it together! 

In short, we’re looking for people who:

  • love Real Bread
  • broadly share and agree with the Campaign’s beliefs and aims
  • are ready, willing and able to be the ‘faces’ of Real Bread and to spread the word

While it’s not possible for a small group of people to fully represent the wide range of people in the Real Bread movement, we aim for each batch of Campaign ambassadors to embody a range of backgrounds, identities, lived experience, skills and knowledge. 

Representation and inspiration

Collectively, our ambassadors bring a variety of perspectives and provide a snapshot of the people in our current network. We also hope our ambassadors will help more people who make and love Real Bread to identify that they’re part of its rise, feel that they will be welcomed in the movement, and be inspired to join the Campaign.

We welcome applications from everyone across the UK who fits the bill above but there people missing from the party.

Within this everyone, we strongly encourage applications from people of backgrounds and identities not well represented in and by the Campaign’s work and network. They include people who are: under 25; Black; of Colour; with a first language other than English; LGBTQ+; neurodivergent; living with a disability; of an ethnic minority; and from lower economic backgrounds. 

Why? Because the Campaign is as much about people as it is about food, notably the people who grow and mill grain, people who craft flour into Real Bread, and the people for whom all of this is done – everyone who eats it.

To be clear, this is about including, representing and inspiring a wider range of people, rather than excluding anyone.

Mutual benefit 

We will do what we can to help ambassadors get the most out of volunteering. We also encourage ambassadors to use and create opportunities that the role makes possible. 


We tend to review the Real Bread Campaign ambassador role every two or three years. We hope that each ambassador can fulfil the role they’ve tailored for themselves for the full term, but there is no set expectation of how many hours or days they will spend doing so.

What next?

Applications will be considered by a panel including Sustain staff members and one of the charity’s trustees.

We’ll arrange Zoom calls with shortlisted applicants, and contact all others, before the end of July 2024.

If you’re successful, we’ll ask you to supply a photo we have the copyright holder’s permission to publish, and a short (no more than 50 words) introductory paragraph about yourself.

If you aren’t, we’ll let you know but won’t be able to give feedback on your application. 

Beyond the UK

While we have supporters and many other friends outside the UK, we focus our limited resources on work and network in the UK.

We believe that the people best placed to lead a country's Real Bread campaign/network are people in that country. We've published some notes intended to help you get started.

We look forward to seeing a new Real Bread network in your part of the world!

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